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 Step 2A - Email migration request


Transferring a domain to us, and need email migrated first?

We charge for email migration, the charges vary based on permitted access methods, access time required, and quantity of data. You are responsible for exporting your address book (and any other service data such as calendar, notes, etc.). Email account migration must be completed in its initial pass prior-to beginning domain transfer. 

email us by clicking the EMAIL HERE link below, being sure to include:
- business name
- how many email accounts to be migrated for this business
- business phone number
- email account to be migrated (you@yourdomain.com)
- password for that email account
- email account holder phone number
EMAIL HERE to launch that email
[if that EMAIL HERE link does not work, you will have to manually email us all that info with the subject line of MIGRATE EMAIL ACCOUNT to domains@dollaradaysites.net] 

DO NOT retry or complete the DOMAIN TRANSFER-IN WALKTHROUGH until we have notified you that the migration of all email accounts has completed its initial pass.
Make note of the step ID in this article title or bookmark this page in your browser to return here to request additional email account migrations.


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